Species Details

Chlaenius purpuricollis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum Read more about this collection »

SeasonalityAdults have been collected in Alberta from late May to late June. IdentificationAdults: 8.7-9.4mm in length. Dorsal surface usually pure black, sometimes with a slight violet hue on head and pronotum. Pronotum wider at base than at apex which help to easily distinguish it from C. niger. The basal impressions of the pronotum a moderately punctate with the rest of the base being only sparsly punctate; spare punctuation on both lateral line and median line, rest of disc with only a few scattered punctures. The second interval of the elytra tends to form irregular transverse rows of two to three punctures, with rows being separated from each other by a distance of approximately half the width of the interval. Adapted from Bell 1960 and Lindroth 1963.

Scientific Name Chlaenius purpuricollis Habitat Little is known but presumably found and the margins of water bodies in dense vegetation. Some Alberta individuals were collected near the North Saskatchewan River. Seasonality Adults have been collected in Alberta from late May to late June. Identification
Adults: 8.7-9.4mm in length. Dorsal surface usually pure black, sometimes with a slight violet hue on head and pronotum. Pronotum wider at base than at apex which help to easily distinguish it from C. niger. The basal…
Adults: 8.7-9.4mm in length. Dorsal surface usually pure black, sometimes with a slight violet hue on head and pronotum. Pronotum wider at base than at apex which help to easily distinguish it from C. niger. The basal impressions of the pronotum a moderately punctate with the rest of the base being only sparsly punctate; spare punctuation on both lateral line and median line, rest of disc with only a few scattered punctures. The second interval of the elytra tends to form irregular transverse rows of two to three punctures, with rows being separated from each other by a distance of approximately half the width of the interval. Adapted from Bell 1960 and Lindroth 1963.
Life History Not known. Conservation Relatively uncommon. Diet Info Predatory, omnivorous. Range Northern Great Plains in Alberta, Saskatchewan, North Dakota, and in the dryer eastern areas of both Washington and Oregon. In Alberta, has been collected as far north as Edmonton Notes Western Canada and northwestern U.S. specimens of this species are assigned to subspecies frostii Carr.


Page Citation for Chlaenius purpuricollis

Page Citation

"Species Details - Chlaenius purpuricollis, University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum." University of Alberta Museums Search Site, https://search.museums.ualberta.ca/g/2-6309. Accessed 08 Feb. 2025.


Specimen Information

There are 11 specimens of this Species.

11 results plotted on map in 8 markers.
Note: Only records with latitude and longitude coordinates are plotted on map.

UASM72934 - Chlaenius purpuricollis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta Collected ByCarr, B. F.; Carr, J. L. Date Collected1975-05-18

UASM72935 - Chlaenius purpuricollis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta Collected ByCarr, B. F.; Carr, J. L. Date Collected1971-05-06

UASM72936 - Chlaenius purpuricollis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Ellerslie Collected ByCarcamo, H. Date Collected1991-06-27

UASM72937 - Chlaenius purpuricollis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Lethbridge Collected ByHochachka, P. Date Collected1957-05-23

UASM72938 - Chlaenius purpuricollis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, North Saskatchewan River Date Collected1968-06-25

UASM72939 - Chlaenius purpuricollis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, North Saskatchewan River Date Collected1968-06-25

UASM72940 - Chlaenius purpuricollis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, North Saskatchewan River Date Collected1968-06-25

UASM72941 - Chlaenius purpuricollis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, North Saskatchewan River Date Collected1968-06-25

UASM289123 - Chlaenius purpuricollis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Saskatchewan, Wadena Date Collected2001-07/2001-08

UASM289124 - Chlaenius purpuricollis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Saskatchewan, South Allan Date Collected2001-07/2001-08

UASM401025 - Chlaenius purpuricollis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedMexico: Sonora, Guisamopa Collected ByVan Devender, T. R.; Palting, J. D. Date Collected2021-08-24

Adult Seasonal Distribution