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Species Details

Sphinx drupiferarum

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum Read more about this collection »

Common NameWild Cherry Sphinx SeasonalityAdults have been collected in Alberta in late May and June. IdentificationA very large (8.5-11.0 cm wingspan) narrow-winged heavy-bodied moth. The forewings are very dark grey or dull black. The leading edge, particularly the basal two-thirds, is sharply contrasting white or pale grey. The hindwings are black, crossed by a white median band and with a pale grey base and outer margin. The abdomen has a series of large black and white lateral spots. The dark blackish forewings with the contrasting pale leading edge will separate it from all other Alberta sphinx. The similar S. vashti and S. chersis are much paler grey. See also the female of S. luscitiosa.

Scientific Name Sphinx drupiferarum Common Name Wild Cherry Sphinx Habitat Dry cherry shrubland and woodland edges. Seasonality Adults have been collected in Alberta in late May and June. Identification
A very large (8.5-11.0 cm wingspan) narrow-winged heavy-bodied moth. The forewings are very dark grey or dull black. The leading edge, particularly the basal two-thirds, is sharply contrasting white or pale grey. …
A very large (8.5-11.0 cm wingspan) narrow-winged heavy-bodied moth. The forewings are very dark grey or dull black. The leading edge, particularly the basal two-thirds, is sharply contrasting white or pale grey. The hindwings are black, crossed by a white median band and with a pale grey base and outer margin. The abdomen has a series of large black and white lateral spots. The dark blackish forewings with the contrasting pale leading edge will separate it from all other Alberta sphinx. The similar S. vashti and S. chersis are much paler grey. See also the female of S. luscitiosa.
Life History The adults are nocturnal and come to light. There is a single brood, which overwinter as pupae. Conservation Uncommon in Alberta. No reason for concerns. Diet Info No Alberta data. Elsewhere reported to use apple (Malus), plum and wild cherries (Prunus sp.), saskatoon (Amelanchier), cranberry (Vaccinium), hackberry (Celtis) and lilac (Syringa). Range
Widespread in eastern North America, from Newfoundland south to Georgia and Arkansas, west to interior BC. It has been collected in east central Alberta, between the Battle and Red Deer Rivers, west to Red Deer and…
Widespread in eastern North America, from Newfoundland south to Georgia and Arkansas, west to interior BC. It has been collected in east central Alberta, between the Battle and Red Deer Rivers, west to Red Deer and south through Dry Island Provincial Park.


Page Citation for Sphinx drupiferarum

Page Citation

"Species Details - Sphinx drupiferarum, University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum." University of Alberta Museums Search Site, https://search.museums.ualberta.ca/g/2-579/9-1928. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.


Specimen Information

There are 9 specimens of this Species.

9 results plotted on map in 6 markers.
Note: Only records with latitude and longitude coordinates are plotted on map.

UASM9144 - Sphinx drupiferarum

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Red Deer Collected ByBowman, K. Date Collected1916-06-28

UASM24611 - Sphinx drupiferarum

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Tolman Bridge Provincial Recreational Area Collected ByPike, Edward Marshall Date Collected1991-05-17

BIRD1989 - Sphinx drupiferarum

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park Collected ByBird, C. D. Date Collected2003-06-27

BIRD5882 - Sphinx drupiferarum

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Big Knife Provincial Park Collected ByBird, C. D. Date Collected2004-05-27

UASM57142 - Sphinx drupiferarum

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Edgerton Collected ByAnweiler, G. G. Date Collected2004-06-01

UASM57143 - Sphinx drupiferarum

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Edgerton Collected ByAnweiler, G. G. Date Collected2004-06-01

UASM57144 - Sphinx drupiferarum

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Edgerton Collected ByAnweiler, G. G. Date Collected2004-06-01

JD2176 - Sphinx drupiferarum

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: British Columbia, Tranquille Ecological Reserve Collected ByDombroskie, J. J.; Whitehouse, C. Date Collected2007-05-31

UASM187356 - Sphinx drupiferarum

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: British Columbia, Tranquille Ecological Reserve Collected ByDombroskie, J. J.; Whitehouse, C. Date Collected2007-05-31

Adult Seasonal Distribution