Species Details

Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum Read more about this collection »

Common NameLintner's Pebble SeasonalityAdults emerge and are on the wing in early spring, late April and May. IdentificationA medium-size (3.3-4.0 cm. wingspan) grey and light tan moth, easily mistaken for the very similar G. severa. Separated from severa by the diffuse black blotch on the lower forewing just inside the median line in lintneri. The antennae are pectinate, broadly in males, narrowly in females. The three large species of Gluphisia can also be separated by male genitalic characters, notably the shape of the juxta, transtilla and uncus. In lintneri the uncus is shallowly excavated, the lobes of the transtilla are long and acute, and the juxta is broad and narrowly excavated, with the lobes broad and square. See also G. avimacula. There is also a rare form ("pretians") where the median area of the forewing is crossed by a wide, black contrasting band.

Scientific Name Gluphisia lintneri Common Name Lintner's Pebble Habitat Aspen woodland and mixedwood forest with aspen. Seasonality Adults emerge and are on the wing in early spring, late April and May. Identification
A medium-size (3.3-4.0 cm. wingspan) grey and light tan moth, easily mistaken for the very similar G. severa. Separated from severa by the diffuse black blotch on the lower forewing just inside the median line in…
A medium-size (3.3-4.0 cm. wingspan) grey and light tan moth, easily mistaken for the very similar G. severa. Separated from severa by the diffuse black blotch on the lower forewing just inside the median line in lintneri. The antennae are pectinate, broadly in males, narrowly in females. The three large species of Gluphisia can also be separated by male genitalic characters, notably the shape of the juxta, transtilla and uncus. In lintneri the uncus is shallowly excavated, the lobes of the transtilla are long and acute, and the juxta is broad and narrowly excavated, with the lobes broad and square. See also G. avimacula. There is also a rare form ("pretians") where the median area of the forewing is crossed by a wide, black contrasting band.
Life History Lintner's Pebble is among the first moths to emerge from the pupae each spring. Adults are nocturnal and come readily to light. The larvae are solitary defoliators of aspen poplar. They overwinter as pupae. Conservation A widespread and fairly common species. No concerns. Diet Info No Alberta data available. Elsewhere in Canada aspen poplar (Populus tremuloides). (Prentice et al, 1962). Range
Across much of southern Canada, east of the mountains. In Alberta, widespread in the Aspen Parkland and southern Boreal Forest regions, north to the northern Peace River district (northwest of Dixonville). There are…
Across much of southern Canada, east of the mountains. In Alberta, widespread in the Aspen Parkland and southern Boreal Forest regions, north to the northern Peace River district (northwest of Dixonville). There are few records for the foothills, and it is replaced in the mountains by G. severa.


Page Citation for Gluphisia lintneri

Page Citation

"Species Details - Gluphisia lintneri, University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum." University of Alberta Museums Search Site, https://search.museums.ualberta.ca/g/2-499. Accessed 07 Feb. 2025.


Specimen Information

There are 58 specimens of this Species.

58 results plotted on map in 20 markers.
Note: Only records with latitude and longitude coordinates are plotted on map.

UASM187075 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Wagner Natural Area Collected ByAnweiler, G. G. Date Collected1999-04-23

UASM187076 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Quebec, Temiscouata county Collected ByHensel, H. Date Collected1991-05-13

UASM187077 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Edmonton Collected ByAnweiler, G. Date Collected1995-05-06

UASM187078 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Edmonton Collected ByAnweiler, G. Date Collected1998-04-20

UASM187079 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: New Brunswick, Edmundston Collected ByHensel, H. Date Collected1994-05-18

UASM187080 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: New Brunswick, Edmundston Collected ByHensel, H. Date Collected1995-05-02

UASM187081 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: New Brunswick, Edmundston Collected ByHensel, H. Date Collected1995-05-05

UASM187082 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: New Brunswick, Edmundston Collected ByHensel, H. Date Collected2001-05-01

UASM187083 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: New Brunswick, Edmundston Collected ByHensel, H. Date Collected2001-05-07

UASM187084 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: New Brunswick, Edmundston Collected ByHensel, H. Date Collected2001-05-10

UASM187085 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: New Brunswick, Edmundston Collected ByHensel, H. Date Collected2001-05-10

UASM187086 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: New Brunswick, Edmundston Collected ByHensel, H. Date Collected2001-05-11

BIRD35094 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Medicine Lake Provincial Recreation Area Collected ByBird, C. D. Date Collected2011-07-04

BIRD35913 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Erskine Collected ByBird, C. D. Date Collected2012-04-19

BIRD35914 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Lowden Springs Conservation Area Collected ByBird, C. D. Date Collected2012-05-08

BIRD37936 - Gluphisia lintneri

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Erskine Collected ByBird, C. D. Date Collected2015-04-21

Adult Seasonal Distribution