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Species Details

Dasylophia anguina

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum Read more about this collection »

Common NameBlack-spotted Prominent SeasonalityAdults have been captured in late June and July. IdentificationA medium-sized (3.0-4.1 cm. wingspan) relatively long-winged moth. Forewings dark grey-brown with horizontal black streaking in the male, shaded with yellow-brown in the female. There is a small pale patch with a black pupil marking the lower edge of the reniform. The lower part of postmedian line is sharp and rounded, with a black oval spot often joined with a second smaller one above, in the terminal area near anal angle. Male hindwings pale, slightly darker near outer edge; dark grey in the female. Male antennae bipectinate for about 2/3 of the length and then simple for the remainder. Female antennae are simple.

Scientific Name Dasylophia anguina Common Name Black-spotted Prominent Habitat Arid native grassland and badlands in the valleys of the plains. Seasonality Adults have been captured in late June and July. Identification
A medium-sized (3.0-4.1 cm. wingspan) relatively long-winged moth. Forewings dark grey-brown with horizontal black streaking in the male, shaded with yellow-brown in the female. There is a small pale patch with a…
A medium-sized (3.0-4.1 cm. wingspan) relatively long-winged moth. Forewings dark grey-brown with horizontal black streaking in the male, shaded with yellow-brown in the female. There is a small pale patch with a black pupil marking the lower edge of the reniform. The lower part of postmedian line is sharp and rounded, with a black oval spot often joined with a second smaller one above, in the terminal area near anal angle. Male hindwings pale, slightly darker near outer edge; dark grey in the female. Male antennae bipectinate for about 2/3 of the length and then simple for the remainder. Female antennae are simple.
Life History
Adults are nocturnal and come to light. There is apparently a single brood. Unlike most members of the family, which feed on trees and woody shrubs, the Black-spotted Prominent will use herbs in the Pea family, and…
Adults are nocturnal and come to light. There is apparently a single brood. Unlike most members of the family, which feed on trees and woody shrubs, the Black-spotted Prominent will use herbs in the Pea family, and in Alberta can be found in areas devoid of trees or shrubs.
Conservation Alberta is at the northern edge of the range of anguina, and here it is rarely encountered. Diet Info No Alberta data; elsewhere reported to use legumes including clovers (Trifolium sp.), Lespedeza, locust, and wild indigo (Baptesia). Range From the Atlantic west to the Rocky Mountains, south to Florida, Texas and Colorado. In Alberta it has been collected in the southern part of the province, from Lost River to Lethbridge.


Page Citation for Dasylophia anguina

Page Citation

"Species Details - Dasylophia anguina, University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum." University of Alberta Museums Search Site, https://search.museums.ualberta.ca/g/2-478/9-12608. Accessed 28 Mar. 2025.

Specimen Information

There are 11 specimens of this Species.

11 results plotted on map in 11 markers.
Note: Only records with latitude and longitude coordinates are plotted on map.

UASM2863 - Dasylophia anguina

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Lost River Valley Collected ByAnweiler, G. G.; Troubridge, J. Date Collected2000-06-27

UASM19704 - Dasylophia anguina

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park Collected ByAnweiler, G. G.; Troubridge, J. Date Collected2000-06-28/2001-06-29

UASM2653 - Dasylophia anguina

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Dinosaur Provincial Park Collected ByAnweiler, G. G.; Troubridge, J. Date Collected2001-08-14

UASM35918 - Dasylophia anguina

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Lethbridge Collected ByPike, E. M. Date Collected1999-07-17

UASM58031 - Dasylophia anguina

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Red Deer River Collected ByAnweiler, G. G.; Schmidt, B. C. Date Collected2004-06-03/2004-06-04

UASM57539 - Dasylophia anguina

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Buffalo Collected ByAnweiler, G. G. Date Collected2005-06-16

UASM58590 - Dasylophia anguina

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Jenner Collected ByAnweiler, G. G.; Schmidt, B. C. Date Collected2005-06-14

UASM99774 - Dasylophia anguina

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Saskatchewan, Crooked Lake, Melville Beach Collected ByAnweiler, G. G. Date Collected1997-07-08

UASM186779 - Dasylophia anguina

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park Collected ByTroubridge, J. Date Collected2000-06-28

JD4528 - Dasylophia anguina

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedUnited States: Arkansas, Franklin county Collected ByDombroskie, J. J.; Lawrie, D. Date Collected2008-06-18

JD5112 - Dasylophia anguina

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Orion Collected ByDombroskie, J. J.; Rose, A. Date Collected2008-07-08

Adult Seasonal Distribution