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Species Details

Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum Read more about this collection »

SeasonalityAdults have been collected in Alberta mid-June to September, with the main flight in July. IdentificationA medium-size (3.2-3.6 cm wingspan) grey or (rarely) dull red moth. Frontal tubercle absent. Male antennae biserrate, with antennae about twice the width of the shaft. Forewings grey or grey-brown, rarely dull pink or red. Maculation poorly defined. Basal and antemedian lines incomplete, single, darker grey. Postmedian line complete, thin, dark grey and toothed at the veins, with each tooth usually tipped with a dark dot. Subterminal line faint to prominent, often outlined with pale yellow scales distally. Orbicular and claviform obsolete, reniform kidney-shaped with the lower half prominent and filled with dark scales. Fringe light grey-brown. Hindwings smoky grey with a dark discal bar and a pale fringe. Sexes similar except antennae. Most like the closely related E. scandens, which replaces it at lower elevations and latitudes. The saccular extensions in the genitalia of male quebecensis are longer (.7-.9 times the length of the right harp) compared to those of scandens (.3-.6 times the length of the right harp), and the hindwings are darker than those of scandens. The dark wings and prominent dark spot in the reniform will usually identify quebecensis. Euxoa quebecensis belongs to the subgenus Pleonectopoda, characterized by the prominent twist or subbasal coil in the vesica of the male. There are no characters that can be used to identify females as members of the subgenus. Keys to the subgenus and species are presented in Lafontaine, 1987.

Scientific Name Euxoa quebecensis Habitat Open montane and boreal coniferous forest, associated with light or sandy soils. Seasonality Adults have been collected in Alberta mid-June to September, with the main flight in July. Identification
A medium-size (3.2-3.6 cm wingspan) grey or (rarely) dull red moth. Frontal tubercle absent. Male antennae biserrate, with antennae about twice the width of the shaft. Forewings grey or grey-brown, rarely dull pink…
A medium-size (3.2-3.6 cm wingspan) grey or (rarely) dull red moth. Frontal tubercle absent. Male antennae biserrate, with antennae about twice the width of the shaft. Forewings grey or grey-brown, rarely dull pink or red. Maculation poorly defined. Basal and antemedian lines incomplete, single, darker grey. Postmedian line complete, thin, dark grey and toothed at the veins, with each tooth usually tipped with a dark dot. Subterminal line faint to prominent, often outlined with pale yellow scales distally. Orbicular and claviform obsolete, reniform kidney-shaped with the lower half prominent and filled with dark scales. Fringe light grey-brown. Hindwings smoky grey with a dark discal bar and a pale fringe. Sexes similar except antennae. Most like the closely related E. scandens, which replaces it at lower elevations and latitudes. The saccular extensions in the genitalia of male quebecensis are longer (.7-.9 times the length of the right harp) compared to those of scandens (.3-.6 times the length of the right harp), and the hindwings are darker than those of scandens. The dark wings and prominent dark spot in the reniform will usually identify quebecensis. Euxoa quebecensis belongs to the subgenus Pleonectopoda, characterized by the prominent twist or subbasal coil in the vesica of the male. There are no characters that can be used to identify females as members of the subgenus. Keys to the subgenus and species are presented in Lafontaine, 1987.
Life History Poorly known. There is a single brood each year. Conservation An uncommon but widespread species; no concerns. Diet Info Unknown. Probably like other members of the genus a general feeder on low broad-leaved plants . Range Labrador to British Columbia and Yukon, south in the mountains to Oregon and Colorado. In Alberta is has been collected in the foothills and sparingly in the boreal forest region, to the Lake Athabasca area.
Euxoa quebecensis
Euxoa quebecensis


Page Citation for Euxoa quebecensis

Page Citation

"Species Details - Euxoa quebecensis, University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum." University of Alberta Museums Search Site, https://search.museums.ualberta.ca/g/2-4272/9-302702. Accessed 21 Feb. 2025.


Specimen Information

There are 47 specimens of this Species.

47 results plotted on map in 28 markers.
Note: Only records with latitude and longitude coordinates are plotted on map.

UASM17451 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Nordegg Collected ByBowman, K. Date Collected1917-07-18

UASM17452 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Hillcrest Collected ByBowman, K. Date Collected1921-06-26

UASM17454 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Nordegg Collected ByBowman, K. Date Collected1918-07-20

UASM17459 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Red Deer Collected ByBowman, K. Date Collected1923-06-15

UASM17460 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Hillcrest Collected ByBowman, K. Date Collected1926-06-24

UASM17466 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Nordegg Collected ByBowman, K. Date Collected1918-07-16

UASM17467 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Nordegg Collected ByBowman, K. Date Collected1937-06-28

UASM17469 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Blairmore Collected ByBowman, K. Date Collected1918-06-27

UASM34558 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Brown Creek Provincial Recreation Area Collected ByAnweiler, G. G. Date Collected1990-07-23

UASM34559 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Brown Creek Provincial Recreation Area Collected ByAnweiler, G. G. Date Collected2000-07-14/2000-07-16

UASM34561 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Fort Assiniboine Collected ByAnweiler, G. G. Date Collected1999-06-26

UASM34418 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Hwy 666 Collected ByLawrie, D. Date Collected1996-07-15

BIRD8560 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Crowsnest Pass Collected ByBird, C. D. Date Collected2001-07-01

BIRD8561 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Crowsnest Pass Collected ByBird, C. D. Date Collected2001-07-01

BIRD8562 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Crowsnest Pass Collected ByBird, C. D. Date Collected2001-07-01

UASM41431 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Waterton National Park Collected ByAnweiler, G. G. Date Collected2005-07-11

UASM41432 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Waterton National Park Collected ByAnweiler, G. G. Date Collected2005-07-11

UASM41439 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Waterton National Park Collected ByAnweiler, G. G. Date Collected2005-07-07

UASM77883 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Waterton National Park Collected ByAnweiler, G. G. Date Collected2005-07-12

UASM58774 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Waterton National Park Collected ByAnweiler, G. G. Date Collected2005-07-11

UASM99083 - Euxoa quebecensis

University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum

Place CollectedCanada: Alberta, Waterton Lakes National Park Collected ByAnweiler, G. G.; Schmidt, B. C.; Troubridge, J. Date Collected2005-08-31

Adult Seasonal Distribution