Common NameThe BrotherSeasonalityAdults are on the wing in Alberta from early May through the end of July.IdentificationA medium-size (3.3-3.8 cm wingspan) moth with powdery grey forewings and white hindwings. The dark grey forewings are crossed by the black antemedian and postmedian lines, while the subterminal line is marked by lighter grey on a black background. The orbicular and reniform are usually well marked, finely outlined with black scales and with dark centers. Hindwing is shining white with a faint discal dot and postmedian band and a fine black terminal band. There is a small patch of dark scales at the anal angle. Males are smaller than females and have bipectinate antennae (simple in females). The closely related R. coloradensis has paler grey and light tan forewings with contrasting black patches near the base and along the lower half. See also Acronicta species, most of which are lighter grey in color.
Scientific NameRaphia fraterCommon Name
The Brother
Deciduous woodland.
Adults are on the wing in Alberta from early May through the end of July.
A medium-size (3.3-3.8 cm wingspan) moth with powdery grey forewings and white hindwings. The dark grey forewings are crossed by the black antemedian and postmedian lines, while the subterminal line is marked by…
A medium-size (3.3-3.8 cm wingspan) moth with powdery grey forewings and white hindwings. The dark grey forewings are crossed by the black antemedian and postmedian lines, while the subterminal line is marked by lighter grey on a black background. The orbicular and reniform are usually well marked, finely outlined with black scales and with dark centers. Hindwing is shining white with a faint discal dot and postmedian band and a fine black terminal band. There is a small patch of dark scales at the anal angle. Males are smaller than females and have bipectinate antennae (simple in females). The closely related R. coloradensis has paler grey and light tan forewings with contrasting black patches near the base and along the lower half. See also Acronicta species, most of which are lighter grey in color.
Life History
Adults are nocturnal and come to lights. The larvae are solitary defoliators. There is apparently a single brood each year, and they overwinter as pupae.
A common, widespread species; no concerns.
Diet Info
No Alberta data; elsewhere in Canada poplars, in particular Trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) and Balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera). Other hosts recorded much less frequently include willow (Salix sp.), White…
No Alberta data; elsewhere in Canada poplars, in particular Trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) and Balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera). Other hosts recorded much less frequently include willow (Salix sp.), White birch (Betula papyrifera) and speckled alder (Alnus rugosa).
Nova Scotia west, across the forested regions of Canada to British Columbia, south to Mississippi in the east. The southern limits in the west are uncertain due to confusion with several closely related species or…
Nova Scotia west, across the forested regions of Canada to British Columbia, south to Mississippi in the east. The southern limits in the west are uncertain due to confusion with several closely related species or forms. In Alberta, they are found throughout the Aspen parklands, the Boreal forest north to Lake Athabasca and the foothills and lower elevations in the mountains. They are replaced in the wooded valleys or the grasslands region by the closely related R. coloradensis.
Page Citation for Raphia frater
Page Citation
"Species Details - Raphia frater, University of Alberta E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum." University of Alberta Museums Search Site, Accessed 19 Mar. 2025.
AuthorCovell, C. V., Jr.
TitleA field guide to the moths of eastern North America.
Publication Date1984
AuthorPrentice, R. M.
TitleForest Lepidoptera of Canada. (1962)
Publication Date1962
AuthorForbes, William T. M.
TitleThe Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring states : Part 1
Publication Date1923
Series TitleCornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Memoir
Specimen Information
There are 187 specimens of this Species.
187 results plotted on map in 72 markers. Note: Only records with latitude and longitude coordinates are plotted on map.