LeavesBasal leaves short petiole; hairy; stem leaves egg to lance-shaped; sessile; margin entire or toothed; lower stem leaves hairy (Moss, 1983). Basal leaves in rosette; 1.5-8 cm long; 5-15 stem leaves; alternate; 1-7 cm long (Johnson et al., 1995).FlowersUnbranched, elongated inflorescence; flowers mature bottom upwards (raceme); raceme slender; petals white to yellowish; 3-5 mm long (Moss, 1983). Greenish-pink; up to 8 mm long (Johnson et al., 1995).Fruits and SeedsDehiscent pod (silique); erect and flat; 3-5 cm long; valve 1-nerved to the middle; seeds in 1 row; winged (Moss, 1983).
Scientific NameArabis hirsuta (L.) Scop.
Common Name
hairy rock cress (Johnson et al., 1995).
General Description
A biennial or perennial herb that grows 1 to several slender, hairy and unbranched stems 20-70 cm tall; bears white to yellow or greenish-pink flowers (Johnson et al., 1995).
Basal leaves short petiole; hairy; stem leaves egg to lance-shaped; sessile; margin entire or toothed; lower stem leaves hairy (Moss, 1983). Basal leaves in rosette; 1.5-8 cm long; 5-15 stem leaves; alternate; 1-7 cm long…
Basal leaves short petiole; hairy; stem leaves egg to lance-shaped; sessile; margin entire or toothed; lower stem leaves hairy (Moss, 1983). Basal leaves in rosette; 1.5-8 cm long; 5-15 stem leaves; alternate; 1-7 cm long (Johnson et al., 1995).
Unbranched, elongated inflorescence; flowers mature bottom upwards (raceme); raceme slender; petals white to yellowish; 3-5 mm long (Moss, 1983). Greenish-pink; up to 8 mm long (Johnson et al., 1995).
Fruits and Seeds
Dehiscent pod (silique); erect and flat; 3-5 cm long; valve 1-nerved to the middle; seeds in 1 row; winged (Moss, 1983).
April to July (JSTOR).
2n=16, 18, 32 (Moss, 1983). In Alberta also known as spp. pycnocarpa (Moss, 1983). Rock cress species have been eaten but hairy species have only been consumed after cooking (Johnson et al., 1995). Also known as…
2n=16, 18, 32 (Moss, 1983). In Alberta also known as spp. pycnocarpa (Moss, 1983). Rock cress species have been eaten but hairy species have only been consumed after cooking (Johnson et al., 1995). Also known as Arabis hirsuta var, eschscholtziana (E-Flora BC).
Alberta: Predominantly southern half of province but scattered occurrences in the northern part of the province (Canadensys). CAN (BC, MB, SK, ON, QC, NB, NS, YT, NT); USA (AK, WA, OR, CA, MT, ID, NV, WY, UT, CO, AZ,…
Alberta: Predominantly southern half of province but scattered occurrences in the northern part of the province (Canadensys). CAN (BC, MB, SK, ON, QC, NB, NS, YT, NT); USA (AK, WA, OR, CA, MT, ID, NV, WY, UT, CO, AZ, NM, ND, SD, NE, KS, MN, IA, MO, AR, WI, IL, MI, IN, KY, TN, OH, GA, NC, VA, WV, NY, PA, NJ, CT, MA, VT, NH, ME) (USDA).
Page Citation for Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop.
Page Citation
"Species Details - Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop., University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium." University of Alberta Museums Search Site, https://search.museums.ualberta.ca/g/1-8605/12-117210. Accessed 26 Mar. 2025.
Specimen Information
There are 63 specimens of this Species.
41 results plotted on map in 39 markers. Note: Only records with latitude and longitude coordinates are plotted on map.
Common Namehairy rock cress (Johnson et al., 1995).Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, University of Alberta Woodbend Field StationDate Collected2006-05-19