Leaves4-12 cm long; lance-shaped (Moss, 1983). Alternate; sheathing (Johnson et al., 1995).Flowers2-20 cm long; lance-shaped; up to 5 cm long; flowers greenish; sepals egg-shaped; petals lance-shaped; lip 2-4 times longer than wide and 6-8 mm long; apex 2-3 toothed; spur shorter than lip (Moss, 1983).Fruits and SeedsCapsules; 1 cm long; many seeded (Johnson et al., 1995).
Scientific NameHabenaria viridis (L.) R. Br.
Common Name
bracted orchid (Moss, 1983); bracted bog orchid, frog-orchid; long-bracted orchid (Johnson et al., 1995).
General Description
A stout perennial that grows 15-50 cm tall from a fleshy rhizome that is very leafy and bears greenish flowers (Johnson et al., 1995).
4-12 cm long; lance-shaped (Moss, 1983). Alternate; sheathing (Johnson et al., 1995).
2-20 cm long; lance-shaped; up to 5 cm long; flowers greenish; sepals egg-shaped; petals lance-shaped; lip 2-4 times longer than wide and 6-8 mm long; apex 2-3 toothed; spur shorter than lip (Moss, 1983).
Fruits and Seeds
Capsules; 1 cm long; many seeded (Johnson et al., 1995).
June to August (JSTOR).
2n=40, 42 (Moss, 1983). Also called Coeloglossum viride; in Alberta called Habenaria viridis var. bracteata (Moss, 1983). Also called Platanthera viridis (Johnson et al., 1995). The tuber-like roots have been eaten…
2n=40, 42 (Moss, 1983). Also called Coeloglossum viride; in Alberta called Habenaria viridis var. bracteata (Moss, 1983). Also called Platanthera viridis (Johnson et al., 1995). The tuber-like roots have been eaten raw or cooked however due to their rarity they should not be eaten (Johnson et al., 1995).
Alberta: predominantly SW border of mountains and some occurrences central-southern half (Canadensys, under Coeloglossum viride). CAN (YT, NT, BC, MB, SK, ON, QC, NL, NB, NS, PE); USA (AK, WA, MT, WY, UT, AZ, CO, NM,…
Alberta: predominantly SW border of mountains and some occurrences central-southern half (Canadensys, under Coeloglossum viride). CAN (YT, NT, BC, MB, SK, ON, QC, NL, NB, NS, PE); USA (AK, WA, MT, WY, UT, AZ, CO, NM, ND, SD, NE, MN, WI, IA, MO, IL, IN, MI, OH, NC, VA, WV, KY, NY, ME, VT, PA, NH, MD, CT, MA) (USDA).
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Page Citation for Habenaria viridis (L.) R. Br.
Page Citation
"Species Details - Habenaria viridis (L.) R. Br., University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium." University of Alberta Museums Search Site, https://search.museums.ualberta.ca/g/1-7641. Accessed 29 Jan. 2025.
Specimen Information
There is 1 specimen of this Species.
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1 result plotted on map in 1 marker. Note: Only records with latitude and longitude coordinates are plotted on map.