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Species Details

Rubus arcticus L.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium Read more about this collection »

LeavesAlternate, palmately compound, leaflets in groups of 3, leaflets wedge-egg-shaped 5-33 mm long, 5-22 mm wide, margins toothed, abaxial surface green, slightly shiny, adaxial surface green, dull, hairy, reddish near margins FlowersInflorescence solitary, terminal; flowers radially symmetric, hypanthium present; sepals 5, narrowly lance-shaped, reddish green below, 5-13 mm long, bent back, hairy, veiny; petals 5, lance-egg-shaped to spoon-shaped, 8-18 mm long, pink to rose; stamens numerous, reddish pink to pale yellow, filaments broad, flattened; pistils numerous, ovary superior, style slender Fruits and SeedsAggregate of drupes, globe-shaped cluster, enlarged receptacle, 1 cm wide, red, fleshy; seeds tan, smooth

Scientific Name Rubus arcticus L. Common Name arctic blackberry, dwarf raspberry General Description Perennial herb, 5-20 cm tall, reddish brown rhizomes Leaves
Alternate, palmately compound, leaflets in groups of 3, leaflets wedge-egg-shaped 5-33 mm long, 5-22 mm wide, margins toothed, abaxial surface green, slightly shiny, adaxial surface green, dull, hairy, reddish near margins
Alternate, palmately compound, leaflets in groups of 3, leaflets wedge-egg-shaped 5-33 mm long, 5-22 mm wide, margins toothed, abaxial surface green, slightly shiny, adaxial surface green, dull, hairy, reddish near margins
Inflorescence solitary, terminal; flowers radially symmetric, hypanthium present; sepals 5, narrowly lance-shaped, reddish green below, 5-13 mm long, bent back, hairy, veiny; petals 5, lance-egg-shaped to…
Inflorescence solitary, terminal; flowers radially symmetric, hypanthium present; sepals 5, narrowly lance-shaped, reddish green below, 5-13 mm long, bent back, hairy, veiny; petals 5, lance-egg-shaped to spoon-shaped, 8-18 mm long, pink to rose; stamens numerous, reddish pink to pale yellow, filaments broad, flattened; pistils numerous, ovary superior, style slender
Fruits and Seeds Aggregate of drupes, globe-shaped cluster, enlarged receptacle, 1 cm wide, red, fleshy; seeds tan, smooth Phenology Flowers from mid May to mid August Notes Medical uses: Native people used a tea made from the crushed roots of R. arcticus, as an eyewash. Ethno-botanical uses: The juicy fruits are edible and can be used to make jams or tea. Range/Distribution Alberta: throughout central and northern Alberta CAN (BC, LB, MB, NF, NT, NU, ON, QC, SK, YT); USA (AK, CO, ME, MI, MN, MT, OR, WA, WY); FRA (SPM)


Page Citation for Rubus arcticus L.

Page Citation

"Species Details - Rubus arcticus L., University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium." University of Alberta Museums Search Site, https://search.museums.ualberta.ca/g/1-6683/12-19544. Accessed 07 Feb. 2025.

Specimen Information

There are 14 specimens of this Species.

13 results plotted on map in 13 markers.
Note: Only records with latitude and longitude coordinates are plotted on map.

114024 - Rubus arcticus L.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namearctic blackberry, dwarf raspberry Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Yukon, Keele Peak Date Collected1985-07-17

119605 - Rubus arcticus L.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namearctic blackberry, dwarf raspberry Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Fort Saskatchewan Date Collected1945-07-03

97993 - Rubus arcticus L.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namearctic blackberry, dwarf raspberry Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Northwest Territories, Macmillan Pass Date Collected1989-07-05

126020 - Rubus arcticus L.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namearctic blackberry, dwarf raspberry Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Hoadley Date Collected2010-06-22

130277 - Rubus arcticus L.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namearctic blackberry, dwarf raspberry Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Kakwa Wildland Provincial Park, Deadhorse Meadows Date Collected2006-07-12

130278 - Rubus arcticus L.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namearctic blackberry, dwarf raspberry Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Elk Island National Park Date Collected1952-05-19

130279 - Rubus arcticus L.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namearctic blackberry, dwarf raspberry Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Wagner Natural Area Date Collected1979-06-10

130280 - Rubus arcticus L.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namearctic blackberry, dwarf raspberry Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, J.J. Collett Natural Area Date Collected1979-08-10

137801 - Rubus arcticus L.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namearctic blackberry, dwarf raspberry Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Northwest Territories, Lac de Gras Date Collected2014-07-15

137363 - Rubus arcticus L.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namearctic blackberry, dwarf raspberry Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Connor Creek Date Collected2014-07-15

135207 - Rubus arcticus L.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namearctic blackberry, dwarf raspberry Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Coyote Lake Nature Sanctuary Date Collected2011-08-31

135842 - Rubus arcticus L.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namearctic blackberry, dwarf raspberry Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Coyote Lake Nature Sanctuary Date Collected2009-08-26

139924 - Rubus arcticus L.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namearctic blackberry, dwarf raspberry Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Lakeland Provincial Recreation Area, Pinehurst Lake Date Collected2012-06-24

141044 - Rubus arcticus L.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namearctic blackberry, dwarf raspberry Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Grassland Date Collected2016-06-23