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Species Details

Descurainia pinnata (Walter) Britton

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium Read more about this collection »

LeavesBasal leaves divided into leaflets twice (bipinnate); greenish; hairless or slightly hairy; upper leaves less divided; segments narrow (Moss, 1983). Gland-tipped hairs (Johnson et al., 1995). FlowersUnbranched, elongated inflorescence; matures bottom upwards (raceme); stalks 6-12 mm long; petals yellow; 2-3 mm long; sepals 1.5-2.5 mm long (E-Flora BC). Fruits and SeedsDry dehiscent pod (silique); 6-13 mm long; 1-2 mm wide; stalks divergent and 6-13 mm long (Moss, 1983). Seeds in 2 rows (E-Flora BC).

Scientific Name Descurainia pinnata (Walter) Britton Common Name green tansy mustard (Johnson et al., 1995). General Description An annual herb that has simple or slightly branched stems that grow 20-60 cm tall and are slightly hairy; they bear yellow flowers (Moss, 1983; E-Flora BC). Leaves Basal leaves divided into leaflets twice (bipinnate); greenish; hairless or slightly hairy; upper leaves less divided; segments narrow (Moss, 1983). Gland-tipped hairs (Johnson et al., 1995). Flowers Unbranched, elongated inflorescence; matures bottom upwards (raceme); stalks 6-12 mm long; petals yellow; 2-3 mm long; sepals 1.5-2.5 mm long (E-Flora BC). Fruits and Seeds Dry dehiscent pod (silique); 6-13 mm long; 1-2 mm wide; stalks divergent and 6-13 mm long (Moss, 1983). Seeds in 2 rows (E-Flora BC). Phenology March to April (JSTOR). Notes 2n=14, 28*, 42 (Moss, 1983). This is a native species but has weed-like tendencies (Johnson et al., 1995). Range/Distribution
Alberta: SW along mountain range (Canadensys). CAN (BC, MB,NS, SK, NT, ON, QC, YT); USA (AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH,…
Alberta: SW along mountain range (Canadensys). CAN (BC, MB,NS, SK, NT, ON, QC, YT); USA (AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY) (USDA).


Page Citation for Descurainia pinnata (Walter) Britton

Page Citation

"Species Details - Descurainia pinnata (Walter) Britton, University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium." University of Alberta Museums Search Site, https://search.museums.ualberta.ca/g/1-5320/12-119095. Accessed 14 Feb. 2025.

Specimen Information

There are 22 specimens of this Species.

15 results plotted on map in 14 markers.
Note: Only records with latitude and longitude coordinates are plotted on map.

143507 - Descurainia pinnata (Walter) Britton

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namegreen tansy mustard (Johnson et al., 1995). Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Wild Horse Date Collected1980-06-10