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Species Details

Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium Read more about this collection »

LeavesBasal leaves toothed margins; divided into leaflets (pinnate); grey-green in colour; hairy; upper leaves sessile; lance-shaped; margin entire or toothed (Moss, 1983). Basal leaves in rosette; 1.5-8 cm long; absent when flowering; stem leaves alternate; smaller and simpler (Johnson et al., 1995). FlowersUnbranched, elongated inflorescence; mature bottom upwards (raceme); numerous racemes; 5-15 cm long; dense flowers; sepals 1 mm long; petals shorter than sepals or no petals present (Moss, 1983). White (Johnson et al., 1995). Fruits and SeedsPods 2-3.5 mm long; egg-shaped; hairless or slightly hairy; rounded at winged tip (Moss, 1983). 2 seeds per pod (Johnson et al., 1995). No beak (E-Flora BC).

Scientific Name Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. Common Name common pepper-grass, prairie pepper-grass (Johnson et al., 1995). General Description An annual or winter annual plant with one erect stem, branched, grey-green with short hairs that grown to a height ot 20-50 cm tall; bears small white flowers (Moss, 1983). Leaves
Basal leaves toothed margins; divided into leaflets (pinnate); grey-green in colour; hairy; upper leaves sessile; lance-shaped; margin entire or toothed (Moss, 1983). Basal leaves in rosette; 1.5-8 cm long; absent when…
Basal leaves toothed margins; divided into leaflets (pinnate); grey-green in colour; hairy; upper leaves sessile; lance-shaped; margin entire or toothed (Moss, 1983). Basal leaves in rosette; 1.5-8 cm long; absent when flowering; stem leaves alternate; smaller and simpler (Johnson et al., 1995).
Unbranched, elongated inflorescence; mature bottom upwards (raceme); numerous racemes; 5-15 cm long; dense flowers; sepals 1 mm long; petals shorter than sepals or no petals present (Moss, 1983). White (Johnson et al., 1995).
Unbranched, elongated inflorescence; mature bottom upwards (raceme); numerous racemes; 5-15 cm long; dense flowers; sepals 1 mm long; petals shorter than sepals or no petals present (Moss, 1983). White (Johnson et al., 1995).
Fruits and Seeds Pods 2-3.5 mm long; egg-shaped; hairless or slightly hairy; rounded at winged tip (Moss, 1983). 2 seeds per pod (Johnson et al., 1995). No beak (E-Flora BC). Phenology May to July (JSTOR). Notes
2n=32 (Moss, 1983). Also known as Lepidium densiflorum var. densiflorum and Lepidium densiflorum var. macrocarpu (this species has larger fruits at 3-3.5 mm long) (Moss, 1983). Pepper-grasses have been eaten; they…
2n=32 (Moss, 1983). Also known as Lepidium densiflorum var. densiflorum and Lepidium densiflorum var. macrocarpu (this species has larger fruits at 3-3.5 mm long) (Moss, 1983). Pepper-grasses have been eaten; they have been added to salads, sandwiches and hors-d'oeuvres to add zest (Johnson et al., 1995). It has been added to soups, sauces and casseroles; pods and seeds have a stronger taste; seeds can be dried for later use; good source vitamins and minerals; vitamin C levels used to prevent scurvy (Johnson et al., 1995).
Alberta: Predominantly southern half of province (Canadensys). CAN (BC, YT, NT, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, NS, PE, NL); USA (AK, WA, OR, CA, MT, ID, AZ, ND, SD, NE, KS, CO, NM, OK, TX, MN, IA, WI, KY, TN, MS, AL, LA, FL, SC,…
Alberta: Predominantly southern half of province (Canadensys). CAN (BC, YT, NT, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, NS, PE, NL); USA (AK, WA, OR, CA, MT, ID, AZ, ND, SD, NE, KS, CO, NM, OK, TX, MN, IA, WI, KY, TN, MS, AL, LA, FL, SC, VA, WV, PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, CT, RI, MA, NH, ME, VT) (USDA).


Page Citation for Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

Page Citation

"Species Details - Lepidium densiflorum Schrad., University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium." University of Alberta Museums Search Site, https://search.museums.ualberta.ca/g/1-4789/12-201923. Accessed 20 Mar. 2025.

Specimen Information

There are 77 specimens of this Species.

43 results plotted on map in 40 markers.
Note: Only records with latitude and longitude coordinates are plotted on map.

9836 - Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namecommon pepper-grass, prairie pepper-grass (Johnson et al., 1995). Place CollectedNorth America: United States, Washington, Klickitat County, Bingen Date Collected1896-06-24

19904 - Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namecommon pepper-grass, prairie pepper-grass (Johnson et al., 1995). Place CollectedNorth America: United States, South Dakota, Codington County, Lake Kampeska Date Collected1958-05-30

24673 - Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namecommon pepper-grass, prairie pepper-grass (Johnson et al., 1995). Place CollectedNorth America: United States, Oklahoma, Pushmataha County, Antlers Date Collected1959-04-10

25687 - Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namecommon pepper-grass, prairie pepper-grass (Johnson et al., 1995). Place CollectedEurope: Finland, Karelia Date Collected1928-09-01

130766 - Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namecommon pepper-grass, prairie pepper-grass (Johnson et al., 1995). Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Waterton Lakes National Park, Lakeview Ridge Date Collected1969-08-04

130767 - Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namecommon pepper-grass, prairie pepper-grass (Johnson et al., 1995). Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Grande Prairie Date Collected1948-08-07

131443 - Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namecommon pepper-grass, prairie pepper-grass (Johnson et al., 1995). Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Jasper National Park, Pocahontas Date Collected1971-07-10

131444 - Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namecommon pepper-grass, prairie pepper-grass (Johnson et al., 1995). Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Jasper National Park, Pocahontas Date Collected1971-07-20

135469 - Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namecommon pepper-grass, prairie pepper-grass (Johnson et al., 1995). Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Vermilion Date Collected2014-07-03

135743 - Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namecommon pepper-grass, prairie pepper-grass (Johnson et al., 1995). Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Ontario, Deep River Date Collected1965-07-15/1965-07-21

139352 - Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namecommon pepper-grass, prairie pepper-grass (Johnson et al., 1995). Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Milk River Provincial Natural Area Date Collected1962-06-15

140997 - Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namecommon pepper-grass, prairie pepper-grass (Johnson et al., 1995). Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park Date Collected2016-06-29

143528 - Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namecommon pepper-grass, prairie pepper-grass (Johnson et al., 1995). Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Edmonton Date Collected1967-07-28

9313 - Lepidium densiflorum Schrad.

University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium

Common Namecommon pepper-grass, prairie pepper-grass (Johnson et al., 1995). Place CollectedNorth America: Canada, Alberta, Watino Date Collected1947-07-31